3D Tracking/Camera Solving – An Adobe After Effects cs6 Tutorial


Increase the VFX possibilites with ease in this tutorial for Adobe After Effects cs6

3d Camera tracking or Camera “solving” as it’s properly called, will generate a virtual camera that tracks the physical camera moves you’ve made in a scene so you can place virtual things in there and they will look like they belong. It’s not that hard, and with cs6 it’s even easier. There are some trade offs and caveats to watch out for. This feature is new in cs6 so it’s by no means perfect.

Follow along and hopefully you’ll be up and making things in no time. And if you have any questions just leave them in the comments. There will be more tutorials on the advanced functions of this tool but for now this should get you started.

Thanks for watching and have a nice day.
Evan Abrams

The Render Queue: Render Settings – Adobe After Effects Tutorial

Render Settings? Radicool! These things might not seem exciting but I bet you will be happy to known them when it’s exporting time. Seriously, it sucks but it’s important. And that’s not like the time someone told you long division would be important some day. This time it’s for real.

Check out the other videos in this series:
The Render Queue: Overview
The Render Queue: Render Settings

If you have questions, leave them in the comments!

The Render Queue: Overview – Adobe After Effects Tutorial

SO you made something cool in after effects and now you want to show it off to someone not also in the tech lab? Maybe put it into some editing software? Maybe put it on youtube. Well you better get cozy with the render queue because you’ll have to go through that briar patch of crap to get the pot of gold on the other side. In this case the pot of gold is some passably exported video.

Saddle up and open wide for some some learning about the Render Queue!

Check out the other videos in this series:
The Render Queue: Output Module
The Render Queue: Render Settings

If you have questions, leave them in the comments!

The Render Queue: Output Module – Adobe After Effects Tutorial

So you want to know more about the Output Module. It’s kind of complicated so I’ll talk slow I suppose? Or maybe I just do that because I’m Canadian and can’t help it. Either way sit back and let’s learn what all those options are for when exporting video. They’re important and not very exciting but you will need to know them some time so let’s get exporting some awesome videos with the render queue and it’s output modules!

Check out the other videos in this series:
The Render Queue: Overview
The Render Queue: Render Settings

If you have questions, leave them in the comments!

Q&A 3/100 You don’t do VFX breakdowns? What is your deal!

I’ll be answering the first hundred questions tweeted to hash tag #ECAbramsQ&A
This is #3/100

From: @TomaszSzurlej

Question: #ECAbramsQ&A would you mind to do some VFX breakdowns of shots that you found effective? You like freddiew I see. Keep what you do, thanks!

Short answer: I wouldn’t mind at all.
Long answer: I wouldn’t mind but whoever did the original might when I reveal their tricks or get it so wicked wrong and abuse the DRM they hold on the original work.

Q&A 1/100 How Long Have You Been Using? How did you Start? (it’s like Intervention)

I’ll be answering the first hundred questions tweeted to hash tag #ECAbramsQ&A
This is #1/100

From: @Izze_Bryson, AKA Bryson Kuhlman, AKA http://www.youtube.com/user/DefineMellow
Question: #ECAbramsQ&A How long have you been using after affects and how did you learn to use it? 😉

Good question… as long as the day is… something. I don’t think I ever learned. I still don’t know what I’m doing. Do you know?

After Effects Q&A (or whatever really)

Thanks to everyone who subscribed. There are over 2500 of you now. And to say thanks I would like to hold a Q&A, but that’s hard since we would have to be on the same schedules, which I doubt we are. BUT with the magic of technology we can still do it.

Tweet your questions with the twitter using Hash Tag #ECAbramsQ&A in your tweet and I’ll answer the first 100 questions I get with a video response.

Ask me about anything your like. It doesn’t ahve to be about After Effects, or even about video, or even something I might know, but I do know a whole lot of stuff, so sock it to me.

Cheers and thanks again for being so awesome and subsribing.

Evan Abrams

Make Gradient Backgrounds

Ah gradients, they beat the pants off flat colours any day of the week. Do you spell it colors or colours? I’m Canadian so I say the “u” when I speak it.

There are many ways to make gradients but this is by far the best way. It’s way better than that silly way you were making them before, believe me… I know.

These are great for adding a nice subtle and classy background to things and after you get used to the technique you can crank them out in no time at all! Or take your time and do a good job, that’s an option too but it’s not for everyone.

Want to make things look good in other ways?
Learn about Layer Styles?

Learn about Textures?

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Working With Textures

Ah textures. Sometimes I just like to go rub my face in them… usually after I’ve had some “candy” at a “candy party”. If you get why those are in quotes… good for us. If not that’s cool too.

Textures are just high res photos of something that has a nice real world, non specific, even surface that you can re-purpose to make things interesting. Kind of like how I re-purpose lamp shades to make myself look more interesting at candy parties.

Want to make things look cool another way?
Learn about gradients?

Learn about Layer Styles?

Connect with me on the Internets?