Extrude Shapes and Text – Adobe After Effects tutorial

Extrude shape layers. Extrude shape layers. All in After Effects, and better than ever before. Learn how to use the new Cinema 4D powers unlocked in Adobe Ae CC 2017.

In this tutorial, we will extrude some text, and then some shape layers, and then use those new powers to make a real thing! Spoilers… it’s an iphone #spoilers. This is a new feature in Adobe CC 2017. If you don’t have that version or newer you are out of luck. It’s new. It’s great. You should get into it!

If you have any questions just let me know in the comments.

Download this project file:

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Glass Pane Slide Show – Adobe After Effects tutorial (Sponsored By Videoblocks)

Make a slideshow for images or video with sliding glass panes moving over and revealing footage and text. This tutorial was sponsored by Videoblocks. Visit http://videoblocks.com/ECAbrams_0716 to redeem your 7-day free trial to VideoBlocks!

If you have any questions just let me know in the comments.

Download this project file:[/vc_column_text]

This project file for this will work in Adobe CS5.5 and WILL NOT work in older versions.

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Self Resizing Lower 3rds – Adobe After Effects tutorial

Create lower 3rds that change their size depending on how long the text is. Perfect for anyone looking to make better templates with more dynamic elements. This relies heavily on expressions and using monospaced fonts. And it works in any version of adobe after effects. But it is especially good for Adobe CC now that you can edit text fields from templates in Premiere Pro.

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Flying Blobs to Liquid Letters – Adobe After Effects tutorial

Reveal letters with liquid blobs and a BONUS trick to use onion skinning in after effects. It’s dirt simple and sadly there is no trick to to making this clean look, but this will save you time. The usual method for this thing is to go into photoshop and draw there, but this is all in After Effects. Jazz up your workflow with this rad tip and get making these awesome animations.

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