Face Tracking – New in After Effects CC 2015

This year (2015) Adobe has put a little more face tracking spice in you After Effects gumbo. But does it pass mustard? Find out in this tutorial and review of this new feature. It all started out quite well and really rambled as I had things to say about it as we went. The bottom line is: I”m not thrilled, but maybe it’ll surprise me, and you, as we all get to know it a bit better?


The Expression used in this thing later on to rotate things using points and trig is:


A=thisComp.layer(“RAW INTRO_28_07_2015_461.MOV 2”).effect(“Face Track Points”)(“Mouth Right”);

B=thisComp.layer(“RAW INTRO_28_07_2015_461.MOV 2”).effect(“Face Track Points”)(“Mouth Left”);

// Find the length of side a

SideA = sub(A, B)[1];

// Find the length of side b

SideB = sub(A, B)[0];

//Find the Angle between them

radiansToDegrees(Math.atan2(SideA, SideB))+180;

And this was originally made by one Paul Carlin and I took it from the Creative Cow forums.

Download this project file:

This project file for this will work in Adobe CC 2015 and newer (13.5) and WILL NOT work in older versions.

Download DirectDownload Via GumRoad


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