Glass Pane Slide Show – Adobe After Effects tutorial (Sponsored By Videoblocks)

Make a slideshow for images or video with sliding glass panes moving over and revealing footage and text. This tutorial was sponsored by Videoblocks. Visit to redeem your 7-day free trial to VideoBlocks!

If you have any questions just let me know in the comments.

Download this project file:[/vc_column_text]

This project file for this will work in Adobe CS5.5 and WILL NOT work in older versions.

Download DirectDownload Via GumRoad

Stabilize Shaky Footage

Feeling unstable? Shaky? unsure of your self and your camera skills? Well than don’t worry because your crappy footage can be saved with the adobe after effects image stabilization tool. Just get two decent tracking points and get ready for a long wait. Then once you’ve watered the cat and taken the plants outside your footage is fixed and you don’t looks like a dummy any more… or you look less like a dummy at least.

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Thanks for watching and hit me up if you have any questions about mustaches or after effects. As you can see i know a thing or two about both.